Central office

Khvan Svetlana Mikhaylovna
Head of the Department of development of the sphere of turnover of crypto assets

Khudayberdiyev Saibjan Makhsudovich
Head of Capital Market Regulation Department

Zakirov Askarjon Mukhsimovich
Head of crypto-assets turnover sphere development department

Djurayev Nodirjan Azamovich
Head of the Department of Regulation of the sphere of turnover of crypto assets

Mukhammadiyev Kamronbek Innatillo ug‘li
Head of the Department of Development and Regulation of E-Commerce

Saliyev Timur Saydiganiyevich
Head of the IT Infrastructure Support and Information Security Department
Khalmirzaev Bobur Kayumovich
Deputy head, International Affairs Department

Li Valeriy Aleksandrovich
Emitent faoliyati va korporativ boshqaruvni rivojlantirish bo‘limi boshlig‘i

Murotov Sanjarbek Fayzullo o‘g‘li
Qimmatli qog‘ozlar chiqarilishini ro‘yxatga olish bo‘limi boshlig‘i

Khasanov Ulug‘bek Farhod o‘g‘li
Head of the Department for Licensing the Activities of Market Participants in the Insurance Industry

Matchanov Takhir Bayramovich
Head of the legal department

Sirojiddinov Shukhrat Sirojiddin ugli
Head of the Human Resources Department